Cosmo A. Giunta
Town Supervisor
Cosmo A. Giunta was first elected as Supervisor in 2020 after fulfilling the remaining unexpired term of former Supervisor Mark Assini in 2018. Previously he served the town residents in the Town Clerk’s Office for 7 1/2 as the Town Clerk / Receiver of Taxes and as Deputy Town Clerk. He also has over 20 years of private sector experience with companies such as Xerox, Paychex and PAETEC with background that included roles in Consulting, Customer Service, Finance and Operational Management. Cosmo is a lifelong resident of Gates graduating from Gates Chili HS in 1987 and a Gates Chili Hall of Fame inductee in 2019. He and his wife NancyMaria have three children, all which are Gates Chili graduates. If you wish to contact Supervisor Giunta, you may call him at 247-6100 ext 210, email him at or stop by his office at the Town Hall.Lee A. Cordero
Lee Cordero was elected in 2014 to the Gates Town Board. He and his wife Elizabeth, have been married for 28 years and have been Gates residents all along. He has been and currently is a small business owner here in the town and owned a NASCAR collectibles store in Gates for 15 years and currently owns and operates a lawn, landscape and snow removal business for the past 14 years.
He is the chair person founder of the annual Breast Cancer Golf Tournament . He enjoys working with the Supervisor and other Town Board Members to better serve the residents in the town and make Gates a better place to live. Councilman Cordero serves as a liaison to the Gates Planning Board as well as the POD (Point of Dispensing) emergency manager liaison for the Town.
If you would like to contact Councilman Cordero, please email him at
Christopher B. DiPonzio
Chris DiPonzio was first elected back in 2007 to the Gates Town Board. He is a lifelong resident of the town and a prominent business owner of DiPonzio Funeral Home, located on Spencerport Rd. He continues to bring his experience from the private sector along with his proven record of public service to the town.
Since elected, he has commissioned the Gates Recreation & Parks and has serve as liaison on the Zoning Board of Appeals and has always listened and responded to residents of the town. He currently serves as the Deputy Town Supervisor as well as the town liaison for Recreation & Parks Commission.
Chris is married to Nancy and has 2 children, Merrill and Tyler...learn more about Christopher B. DiPonzio
Andrew Loughlin
Andrew Loughlin was elected in 2017 to the Gates Town Board. Andrew grew up in the neighboring town of Chili, but has resided in Gates since 2010. Andrew is a 2003 Graduate of Churchville-Chili High School, as well as a graduate of MCC and lastly SUNY Cortland where he majored in Criminology.
Prior to being elected, Andrew spent several years working in various capacities of the private sector. His employment history includes 17 years of service at a local parks and recreation facility where he was an Assistant Manager. Currently, Andrew is employed as a Deputy with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Andrew also serves as an instructor at the Monroe County Public Safety and Training Facility. learn more about Andrew Loughlin
Steve Tucciarello
Steve Tucciarello was elected in 2015 to the Gates Town Board and is liaison to the Zoning Board of Appeals. In 2016 Councilman Tucciarello proposed and had passed a new Gates Town Law dealing with foreclosed and Zombie homes.
Prior to Councilman Tucciarello’s election to the Gates Town Board, he represented the community in the Monroe County Legislature for a full ten year term. During his time in the Legislature he served as the Majority Leader, leading the caucus from May 2013 to December 2015 and as Deputy Majority leader from 2010-2013. Steve was Chairman of the Transportation, Planning & Economics Development and Environmental & Public Works Committees. As Legislator, Steve was also a member of the Ways & Means, the Recreation & Education, Intergovernmental Relations, and Agenda Charter Committee. He also was legislative representative on...learn more about Steve Tucciarello