
Planning Board

Agendas & Meeting Minutes
Upcoming Meetings

The Planning Board is a 5 members board with 2 alternates, all Gates residents, who are appointed by the Gates Town Board. These unpaid volunteer members work very closely with the town’s public works director and the town engineering firm, Costich Engineering.

The board is responsible for reviewing all subdivision development and building plans for any construction that takes place in the Town of Gates. The board reviews these plans or proposals with respects to how well they meet the planning objectives of the town. There are many factors that help the board make a decision as to whether or not proposed projects are approved. These factors include: environmental concerns; such as drainage, zoning ordinances, aesthetics and the best interest of the community.

Planning Board Members:

  • Juan Ruiz,  Board Chairman
  • Lily Alberto, Recording Secretary
  • Daniel Schum, Town Attorney
  • Joseph Argenta
  • Kirk Kettinger
  • Kenneth Martin
  • Brandon Stuhler
  • Michael Wall  (Alternate)
  • Denise Cambisi  (Alternate)
  • Cosmo A. Giunta, Town Council Liaison

Meeting date, Location and Time:

4th Monday of every month in the Gates Town Hall Meeting Room at 7:30 P.M.

All plans and/or projects appearing before the Planning Board must be filed with the Building Department 4 1/2 weeks prior to the monthly scheduled board meeting.