Police Department
Learn More About Our Police Department!
The Gates Police Department is proud to serve our residents and businesses! Our officers come from diverse backgrounds, are very professional, and are all well-trained. Besides typical police calls, our officers also respond to vehicle lockouts, Code Enforcement issues, animal calls, and anything else our residents need assistance with. We are a function of government that is available 24/7 and on holidays! Quality of life issues are important to our residents, and they are important to us as well.
Our Neighborhood Watch Program is facilitated through up-to-date and real-time e-mails of crime trends occurring in residential neighborhoods. We feel it is important for residents to know what to look for by having current information about their neighborhood. The neighborhood watch captains are instrumental in maintaining the e-mail lists for their neighborhood and forwarding the information from the police department.
The Gates Police Department works very closely with our partners in the Local – State – County and Federal Law Enforcement Communities. Crime crosses all jurisdictional boundaries and so do our enforcement efforts.
- Each year the Gates Police Department partners with the Monroe County Department of Health to check our local stores for tobacco compliance sales to minors.
- We partner with the Monroe County STOP DWI Program to keep our streets safe from intoxicated drivers.
- We partner with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department to provide our residents/citizens the ability to access sex offender data and search for offenders within a specified radius of any address of interest to them. They can register as many addresses as they would like to be monitored and notifications by email will be sent to them anytime offenders move into their area.
- The department receives special funding each year from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee to enforce aggressive driving and seat belt compliance.
- We conduct narcotic investigations with our County, State, and Federal Narcotic Units.
The Gates Justice Court handles our traffic tickets, criminal arrests, and civil matters; they may be reached at 426-0410.
Don’t forget to check us out on our Police Facebook page

Robert Long
Police Chief
Email: rlong@townofgates.org
Phone: 585-247-2262
Police Notices
Use of Force Policy
Administrative Office Phone Number
(585) 247-2262
M-F: 8am-5pm
Community Services
Meet Your Community Service TeamThe Gates Police department’s philosophy is one that promotes a partnership between the citizens of the Town of Gates and their Police Officers. It is based on the premise that both the community and its police must work together to identify and solve the problems that impact our neighborhoods. It is through this alliance that we can work more effectively to reduce crime, strengthen our neighborhoods and improve the overall quality of life in our Town. If you would like to know more about community policing or other crime prevention programs (Neighborhood Watch, Personal Safety, Identity Theft) you can contact Community Services by calling (585) 247-2262 Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
The Town of Gates Police Department employs a Full Time School Resource Officer partnering with the Gates Chili Central School District. Officer Erika Despard currently serves in this role. Officer Despard has over 10 years of experience with the Gates Police Department, She has been trained in Crisis Intervention and works along with the Monroe County Threat Risk Assessment team. Officer Depard is also a member of the Gates Chili Central Schools Safety Committee.
Calling the Gates Police Department
Call 911
911 is the number to call to request any and all services of the Gates Police Department. The calls are answered by the Rochester Monroe County 911 Center, and they are there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your calls and dispatch Gates Police Officers to assist you.
In Monroe County, 911 is the number to call for all police matters, from a parking complaint to the most serious crimes. This is also the number to call for dog complaints. 911 is the number to call in Monroe County anytime you need a Police Officer, the Fire Department or an Ambulance.
Remember that we rely on you to be ears and eyes to supplement the patrols of the Gates Police Department. Should you see anything that you think is suspicious, please call 911; and let us check it out. You could be helping us apprehend a criminal suspect in your area or prevent a crime. Please help us to serve you better by reporting anything suspicious to us by calling 911.