
Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a volunteer board comprised of 5 members with 2 alternates.  All must be residents of Gates appointed by the Gates Town Board and have no vested interest that would prohibit them from making a fair decision which are presented in front of them.  The duty of the board is to conduct a public hearing for the purpose of approving or denying an applicant’s request for a variance from the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. Before any hearing is conducted, the board members make a visual inspection of the property and verify that the proper notice is given to neighbors and interested parties. After that, the board receives evidence and testimony from the applicant and other concerned individuals. Zoning Board Members:
  • William Kiley, Board Chair
  • Robert MacClaren, Board Attorney
  • Clare Goodwin, Recording Secretary
  • David Ferris
  • Don Ioannone
  • Alan Redfern
  • Steve Zimmer
  • Dick Lippa (Alternate)
  • Tina Albanese-Stauffer (Alternate)
  • Lee Cordero, Town Board Liaison
Decisions concerning the issuance of a variance are not made until the board considers the requirements of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. The board then balances the personal rights of the applicant with the effect that the request will have on the character of the affected neighborhood. If you are interested in volunteering for the Zoning Board please contact the Supervisor at 247.6100.Meeting date, Location and Time: 2nd Monday of every month (unless Monday falls on a holiday) in the Gates Town Hall Meeting Room at 7:30 P.M.*All projects appearing before the Zoning Board must be filed with the Building Department 4 1/2 weeks prior to the board meeting.
Agendas & Meeting Minutes
Upcoming Meetings