Peddler, Solicitor & Food Vendors


Any person who wishes to act as a peddler, huckster, vendor, solicitor, commercial traveler or itinerant vendor within the Town of Gates must obtain a permit from the Town Clerk prior to engaging in that activity. Please visit Chapter 140 of the Gates Town Code for further information.


A “Peddler, Solicitor & Food Vendor” Application must be completed and submitted for each and every person that will be soliciting within the Town along with a letter of authorization from the company or firm which the applicant represents and /or written permission of the owner of private property describing the property to be used by the applicant(s). A police back ground check will be performed for each person that will be soliciting within the Town.


There is a NON-REFUNDABLE application fee of $100.00 for a company or firm or $50.00 for an individual

If the application is approved, a $75 fee per person fee must be paid. Once paid the individual will be allowed to solicit for a minimal 3 month period. Additional months may be added at $25 per month.


An approved solicitor (see list to the side) MUST have the permit with them at all times. If not, please notify the Town Clerk’s office at 585-247-6100 or Gates Police department M-F during the normal business hours of 9 a.m to 5 p.m . Please call 911 after hours or immediately if you fear for your personal safety or feel that criminal behavior is being conducted.

Also please provide the Town Clerk with any negative experiences either from an individual or company representative that is soliciting so we can follow up and take any necessary actions.

A permit can be revoked at anytime if enough complaints are received and/or the behavior of the solicitor(s) is in violation of the Town Code.