people sitting around board table with computer

Boards & Committees


Town Board

The Town Board is the governing body of the Town of Gates and is responsible for the overall management of the town. This is a five member board elected by the citizens of the town. The board is comprised of the town supervisor and four councilpersons. The supervisor is the executive head of town government and is elected for a two-year term. He is responsible for the preparation of an annual budget, deals with citizen concerns, and is responsible for the daily cost-effective operation of the town government.

The board is the legislative arm of town government and is responsible for the approval of the supervisor’s annual town budget, enacts local laws, approves all appointments of standing boards and commissions, approves the appointment of certain town employees, confirms appointments of professional contractors and performs other duties governing town operation. The town council is the legislative arm of government and provides the check and balances of the executive. Council members are elected to serve a four-year term.

Town Board Meetings are usually the 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (unless it’s a holiday) in the Town Hall General Meeting Room.

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Planning Board

The Planning Board is a 5 members board with 2 alternates, all Gates residents, who are appointed by the Gates Town Board. These unpaid volunteer members work very closely with the town’s public works director and the town engineering firm, Costich Engineering.  Click here to learn more...

Meeting date, Location and Time:

4th Monday of every month in the Gates Town Hall Meeting Room at 7:30 P.M.

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Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a volunteer board comprised of 5 members with 2 alternates.  All must be residents of Gates appointed by the Gates Town Board and have no vested interest that would prohibit them from making a fair decision which are presented in front of them.  The duty of the board is here to learn more.

Meeting date, Location and Time:

2nd Monday of every month (unless Monday falls on a holiday) in the Gates Town Hall Meeting Room at 7:30 P.M.

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Recreation and Park Commission

This is a five (5) member with two (2) alternate member, all-volunteer citizen commission board that is responsible for setting policy for the overall management of the Gates Recreation and Parks Department. Commission members serve for a five (5)-year term, and are appointed by the Gates Town Board. Some of the duties of the commission include: establishing new programs, evaluating existing programs, approving departmental expenditures, and determining the long and short-term recreational needs of the community.  Click here to go to the Recreation and Parks Department.
Meeting date, Location and Time: 2nd  Tuesday of every month (unless it falls on a holiday) in the Gates Town Hall Recreation Confrerence Room at 6:00 P.M.
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Library Board of TrusteesThe Library Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall management of the Gates Public Library. This seven-member board is made up of all of the volunteer members who are appointed by the Gates Town Board. This is an unpaid position. To be a member of the Library Board of Trustees, you must be a resident of the Town of Gates and be willing to serve for a five-year term.  Click here to learn more...

Meeting date, Location and Time:
3rd Wednesday of every month in the Gates Public Library, Library Meeting Room at 6:00P.M.

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Conservation Advisory Board / CSC Task Force

Established in 1976, this five (5) member volunteer Conservation Advisory Board is appointed by the Gates Town Board.

The Gates Conservation Advisory Board is entrusted with providing an environmental perspective and giving advice on land use proposals, comprehensive plans, stewardship of natural areas, and other issues regarding the environment in the Town.

Conservation Advisory Board representatives should remain current on all applications before the Planning,  Zoning and Town Boards.

The Gates CSC task force serves as a central body of leadership that promotes and supports climate mitigation and adaption in the community advising how to accomplish plans, programs, and activities that are focused on education and engagement as part of the CSC Certification program.

Meeting Date, Location, and Time: 
3rd Tuesday of each Month 7:00 P.M.  at the Gates Town Hall, Supervisor’s Conference Room

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Board of Assessment Review (BAR)The sole responsibility of the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) is to guarantee the rights of the taxpayer, by hearing claims pertaining to fair and impartial assessment values. This five-member board serves without compensation and is appointed by the Gates Town Board. All members have a working knowledge of property values.  Learn more...
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Board of EthicsThe Board of Ethics consists of three unpaid volunteer members chaired by former Gates Town Attorney John DiCaro and is established pursuant to the Town of Gates Code of Ethics. The board’s role is to serve the elected and public employees of the town, and in so doing the community at large.  Learn more...

Meeting Date, Place, and Time: 
This board does not have an established meeting date, it meets when called upon by an employee or elected town official at the Gates Town Hall, Supervisor’s Conference Room.

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